A Boy Has A Question About God

He goes to his local priest to see if he has an answer
The boy presents the question and the priest is completely at a loss of words
The question is so challenging that he could not give an answer
Unwilling to let the boy go unsatisfied without an answer, the priest takes the boy to a local bishop that knows even more about religion than the priest.
The boy approaches the bishop and asks him the same question
Again, the bishop has no answer that will satisfy any of the parties
Seeing that the boy is getting discouraged that no one can answer the question the bishop sends the boy directly to the Vatican to talk to the pope.
This pope was very popular among the people
And he knew everything
He was so smart they called him Pope The Wise
The boy walks up to the pope and asks him the question
The pope begins to answer but then gets choked up and realized that not even he has the answer for the question.
As all hope was just about to be lost, an old nun walks into the room
The nun asks the boy to ask her this famous question and the boy does
The nun formulates the most perfect answer to the boys question
Almost everyone rejoices and all is good.
Except the pope looks a little upset
He exclaims “This is impossible! Explain to me how a simple nun could be smarter than me! Pope The Wise?!”
But she was Nun The Wiser.